So today I was at school, trying to talk to a few of my fellow LPN students about my "BIG" idea. The first thing that I learned, and kinda blew my mind, was that not everyone cares about saving the environment. My friend, never to be named, said she doesn't litter, but really she doesen't care that much about environmental issues. I'm like Whaaattttt, record scratch. I'm apparently not cut from that cloth. To each their own, but I actually really give a shit what is going on and what I can do to help.
I feel like it's a lot like systemic racism, which was very shocking in the least to understand that I had racism programmed into my subconscious from tapes put there without my awareness/permission. White priveledge, and society bias towards the heteronormative culture was a mind fuck to say the least.
I don't judge her, there's a lot of subjects I'm unaware about that are important and I know I'm ill informed.
Time is the most precious commodity we have here, and everyone should follow their passions. Mine just happens to be, doing something about this disaster we've created. When you know better, you do better. I'm pretty sure she'd care if she knew all the effects it's having on her health. That's the main one I've noticed, these autoimmune diseases, and cancers are crazy nowadays. I worked in a dementia home where everyone was older, no one had any allergies and their health was just more rugged. We are not! I blame the plastics industry.
The environment is kinda like that when you start to learn more, and connect all the dots. So there's been a 30% increase in cancer from 1970s-1 on, coincidentally that's exactly when the single use plastics came into play-2(websites below).I'm a scuba diver, so I see what's happening to the reefs/oceans and it makes me mad. Also microplastics are insane, how many foam containers do we use a day. Has anyone actually thought about how little that shit breaks down into, where we're ingesting it in our water supply because the plastic is too small to filter out. It's choking the fish and honestly we're next.
So enough about the problem, lets talk about the solution. Doom and gloom only goes so far. I can't get anyone motivated to make changes, I can just live my life and lead by example. So I wasn't even conscious of how much trash I'm putting out untill I started paying attention. My new goal is to fit all my stuff into 42 mason jars, put them on racks, and buy stuff in bulk, to reduce waste. I'll show u the system.
You use hooks, and really it just simlifies your life of stuff. Like what's most important to you if you could only bring 42 items with you in a tiny van/home. That's my new goal. That and much more. Saving the planet and all ;)
So I started this company called Homestead for Humanity. You can look at the website
and get a lot more information.
But to put it in a nutshell, I believe everyone deserves to be financially free and out of debt. Also why should we have to live this meaningless existance where we just buy a lot of crap to put into huge homes we have to put time and energy into keeping up? Why is bigger better? I've done it both ways, and living authentically just feels better. I had to look at what's important to me, really! What makes me feel whole/complete, the answer is definately not a bunch of shit. That actually makes me feel stressed out and anxious.
Connecting with the land/nature/animals is my happy place. When I'm stressed out from school, I take a walk and look at a bunch of birds soaring in the sky and it completely recharges me. I want to pay for things that last. I've found that to be experiences, connection with others, and helping others feed my soul.
It's with this in mind I started Homestead for Humaity. I was watching this video about a guy in Orlando, that coincidentally lived a year without paying for food only foraging off the earth on youtube and he inspired me. He was talking about the importance of community, and living in a mindset of service to others to get your own needs met.
I had personally observed two good friends of mine do this, and get a free RV and a van just from other's kindness and supporting them/their mission. My mission is helping other's get a tiny house as well as myself working as a community to build them. I watched this CRAZY GOOD movie that talked about how global warming can be reversed by putting back carbon into the soil. There's an excess from the way things are done now, and with crop rotation/diversity useless land can be converted back to useable land absorbing excess carbon(increasing the oxygenation of our planet).
I'll be honest, I'm no farming expert but i do love animals so I would be best at that. I'm not sure I could do a whole farm, but i'd like to try.
I do think 25 people all working together to build each other tiny homes is doable even if the farm isn't. But I'd rather try and fail, than let fear get in my way. I've always watched people working on farms, and been so jealous like that looks so enriching/fun to lead a more simple lifestyle! It just calls to me to try. There's all this free land in the midweset, and land auctions where I got a 1/2 acre in Arkansaw for just a $1. I just did it on a whim, thinking "there's no way they're going to just give me land for $1, it's probablly a scam," and I won.
The closing costs are $500 and the site gets $100. Also there's the county takes of $2K a year, or like $175/mo. It's going to be my new home base, and I hope to start building this summer when it's hot as hell here in FL and I just need to get away. It only gets to 90 degrees there, and I'm wanting to become an offical snowbird! I can't handle these summer's after being in Florida for 41 years.
It's hard not to get discouraged, because I can't even get approved for a van loan to pull my tiny house. I'm in school full time, but was going to try to start working as a medical scribe 25 hrs a wk to see if that would help me qualify. They said my downpayment would need to be like 8K when a year ago is was only 1K. I have no idea what happened, and have been paying down my credit cards for the last year. My capital one is $35/mo in interest, talk about financial bondage. I only owe less than $2K. How is that even legal? I'm tired of being poor, I have all this education and have still been unable to be financially independent like my parent's did. They had jobs they could depend on and stay in for years, not anymore. That's why I'm going into medical, because I have never seen them struggle financially and always been able to pay their bill. Not me in Education, Business, or Social Services. They don't even have any idea of how the other half lives. I remember when I used to be embarrased to be on food stamps. Not anymore, the system is set up to fail. I jumped through all the right hoops, went to college, got my master's and still have no equity!
I want to bring children into a world I'd want to live in, that's getting better. I'd like to look them in the eye and say, your mom is doing something so I don't leave you this mess we made. Or better yet, we make an oopsie, but we are cleaning it up. I want it bad enough to do things that others will probablly look at as crazy or wierd. I want it bad enough that I can now say at Christmas or Birthdays. I'm a minimalist now, and find presents that are experiences/quality and not a bunch of stuff you'll get sick of and throw away in a week. I'm even willing to go to this crazy property in the middle of nowhere to try these ideas out. I got the land as a home base to find a farm to homstead on and make my dreams a reality.
There is literally so much land out there for free-3 or auctioned-4 that will house what I'm envisioning. I just need like minded people to vibe with that know about these things. I met a girl today, who is from guiyana and knows about rainwater collection and growing veggies with used tires and pallets to vine on. I'm a DIYer and need other environmentally conscious dreamers to want a tiny house too! I'm trying to raise money/get the supplies for this summer. Untill I'm out of school next December, I can only do two weeks a month to work on it. That's still a lot of time, and we live in a place with 5 habitat for humailty and lots of construction. Whenever they order supplies for construction jobs, they will donate the extra that they don't use. That's a lot of resources we have here! Anyone have a truck/large SUV? Help out if u can and donate/share
Whoa what a read....i like. I spelled Arkansas wrong though! Haha lol. I agree with a lot of what you said. It's not really fair how the system is and the 1% are running the show. How Baby Boomers are doing well and our Generation Gen X, Millenials, etc are struggling A Lot more than they ever did. Our parents never had all these school loans they had to pay back or never as high as ours can get to. They never had Aggressive credit card companies target marketing them in their 20s on their school campuses. There's a lot that is different about kids that had to grow up in the 80s, 90s & 00s that I do not agree with. But we have the chance to make it better and dig our heels in and do what needs to be done. I love Woody Harrelson and his Kiss The Ground movie. 🎥